We have started our family farm...... It is slow and we are taking baby steps, but exciting non the less. Our first acquisition...
4 baby ducks!!
Afflac, Barbie, Buddy, & Pistachio.
They are very cute and surprisingly fun. Thanks to my sister in law Joyce, the animal lover she is, got them for us. The kids are in heaven, especially Kenna.
Kenna and Pistachio. We were worried about the ducks with Pepper, our dog, she is part English Springer Spaniel and LOVES birds. She chases them all day long. Pistachio at 2 weeks old bit Peppers nose and that was that. Pepper steers clear, she is still curious but keeps her distance.
The little one in my shadow is Buddy. He is the smallest one and very gentle. He hurt his foot and has a limp. Parker has attached himself to Buddy and is nursing him back to health. So far so good. Buddy seems to be doing better every day.
Emily named Barbie. (surprise)
And we named Afflac in honor of my dad!! LOVE YOU!!!
I think you need the pigs now!
Oh don't worry Parker the pig farmer is working his dad pretty good. It is just a matter of time!! LOL!
You are a nice mom. I am so anti pets it is not even funny! Remember Frank the tortoise . . . yeah he is gone now. :)
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